Monday, September 18, 2023

Sarreguemines, France (catching up)

Remaining Roman arch.  Sarrguemines began as a Roman settlement. 

View of the Saar river and the Casino.  The town was famous for the beautiful pottery and ceramics they
Distinctive old architecture. 

We walked to Remelfing where we saw the Marie which is the City Town Hall. 

Bridge repair work

A friend we made on our walk

Part of our walk

Our daily walk and place for locals to swim. 

Remains of the old factory 

Distinctive old remaining architecture. 

One of the original streets of Sarreguemines

One of the oldest streets in Sarreguemines.  Most of the houses were reconstructed during the 18th and 19th centuries. The “help” lived in the upper floor where you see the top windows. Hot in the summer and cold in the winter. 

Someone came up with the idea of building a miniature cruise ship and giving tours. Apparently it wasn’t successful and the boat is now parked along the canal. 

Bridge art

Used on the corners of streets to protect the buildings from carriage wheels is a bollard known as a wheel guard.

Last remaining pottery firing building. The town originally was filled with these buildings all spewing out smoke. 



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