Friday, August 22, 2014

PARIS 2014

I can't resist.  After all, this is Paris!
Statue of Voltaire in a garden
 Wherever you travel now people are covering the bridges with locks symbolizing their eternal love.  It has become a thriving business for enterprising street venders.  Unfortunately, this isn't good for the bridges.  The chain link can't handle the weight of all the locks.  The result is that the metal the locks are attached to pulls away from the handrail.  There are areas now where the locks are removed and sold boards are being put up instead.  That isn't nearly as attractive as the original design.  The practice of attaching locks will have to stop.  We were in a city where the local government placed metal trees across the bridge.  People attached their locks to those trees.  They were interesting and attractive without being destructive.
Locks on a bridge in Paris.
We had never visited the Eglise de la Madeline.  We returned one evening for a concert.  We heard Vivaldi and then an Opera.  I'm not much of an opera fan but the two singers were so good I managed to keep my eyes open the whole time.

After many false starts Madeline Church was designed as a temple to the Glory of Napoleon's army.  It was finally consecrated as a church in 1842.  Chopin's funeral was held there October 30, 1849 and Mozart's Requiem was sung.
Eglise de la Madeline
Eglise de la Madeline.

Impressive ceiling in Eglise de la Madeline.

I think this should be the second car on Rabelo for our guests to use:-)

Wall art we discovered on a walk.

Art covering the walls of a restaurant.

I find the architecture in Paris to be beautiful.  Wherever we look there are wonderful old buildings.
This guy didn't look so happy.
No matter how many times we return to Paris there is always something new for us to see and another area to explore.  It is a beautiful city for walking, and walking, and walking.

I am always interested in hearing what YOUR favorite activities, restaurants, sights are.  Please let me know.  We will be returning to Paris very soon.

We always enjoy hearing from you so keep in touch.


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